Raser The Black
Premium Sanding Handle
Made of premium grade Aluminium 6061, the same material used in bike frames, wheels and engines, RASER THE BLACK is engineered for both productivity and aesthetics in mind. It's appropriate handling weight and balance allows sanding with great precision.
The stick design of RASER THE BLACK allows various grip methods for different types of users with different styles of sanding.
RASER THE BLACK’s weight gives enough pressure for sanding, there is no need to apply excessive pressure. Just relax and rub against the surface sideways. Use the handle’s weight to achieve balanced sanding. Please check the video for useful sanding snap for experts. Please check the video for useful sanding snap for experts.
Magic-hook system secures the SAND-LOOP in place and allows easier attachment and detachment when replacing it. Unlike any other conventional products, it detaches easily and does not leave any adhesives.
Attach the most appropriate grit for your surface level.