Building Gunpla may be as simple as spending an hour or as complex as spending months or years producing a masterpiece. There is something for everyone in the world of Gunpla.
The "grades" of Gunpla model kits will be described in detail on this page as a resource for those new to the hobby. So that when browsing our page, you have a good understanding of what you are going through.
In the early days of Gunpla, the kits were quite different from what we see now. The way kits are put together has undergone a significant shift. In contrast to today's snap-on pieces, Gunpla needed adhesive to be assembled. In addition to being unable to be posed, these Mobile Suit Gundam were also far less "mobile" than their name indicates.
The 1/144 scale is the most appropriate one for a novice, to begin with. It is strongly recommended that you finish this Gundam kit before going on to kits of other scales.
Evaluations are based on the work's overall quality and the degree of expertise required.
Super Deformed SD
"Super Deformed" kits are the smallest in terms of size. It is easy to identify SD kits because of their large heads and malformed body proportions, making them suitable for beginners and youngsters.
Higher Grade HG
It is moulded in colours that don't need to be painted since they are high quality. This is the easiest level for beginning players.
Real Grade RG
Real Grade has the same proportion as their High-Grade counterparts (1/144), although they have more detail than the High-Grade versions. These come with an inner structure that may be layered behind the armour and outward pieces. It is similar to a skeleton in appearance. Because of this, the Gundam model may be posed in various ways.
Master Grade MG
These have intricate details, most of which come with skeleton frames. The Master Grade designation denotes their superior quality. Before acquiring a Master Grade kit, a person should first construct a few Gundam 1/144 model kits independently.
Perfect Grade PG
Perfect Grade commonly known as PG kits are one of the largest kits that are available on the market (except the Mega Size ones), and their 1/60 scale makes them stand out in any Gundam collection. Mega Size kits are the only other kits that can compete in size. Please don't allow that Perfect Grades kits cost to deter you from making this investment since you will receive your money's worth from it. Perfect Grades kits have the highest pricing.
Remember to Enjoy
There is something special about making something with one's own two hands. It is inspiring to see each piece come together once I have cut it. When I finish putting together my Gundam model kit, I'll be satisfied knowing that I've accomplished something independently.